17.5" Bruno Delgrange saddle, soft leather

Outlet Price$805.26
Year:Before 2010
Seat Size:17.5"
Tree Size:4"
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Condition: Excellent
Year: Before 2010
Seat Size: 17.5"
Tree Size: 4"
Discipline: Hunter/Jumper
Flap Length: 14"
Seat Type: Half Deep Seat
Flap Type: Forward
Color: Brown
Location: Texas

17.5 inch seat, 4 1/8 gullet size (inner measurement dot to dot). Fit our high withered narrow throughbred wonderfully. It is a beautiful and extremely comfortable older Bruno Delgrange. Only defect is a tiny nibble at the bottom of a flap and pictures of that are included and it is priced accordingly. If I could make it wider to fit our new horse I would! Have more pictures if requested