2017 CWD 2Gs 17’ 2C
2017 CWD 2Gs 17’ 2C
2017 CWD 2Gs 17’ 2C

2017 CWD 2Gs 17’ 2C

Outlet Price$3,489.47
Seat Size:17"
Tree Size:4.75"
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Condition: Excellent
Year: 2017
Seat Size: 17"
Tree Size: 4.75"
Discipline: Hunter/Jumper
Model: 2GS
Flap Num.: 2
Leather: Grain
Color: Brown
Location: California

Very good condition 2017 CWD 2Gs 17’ 2C. A few dings but very nice quality. The CWD rep at DIHP said it is one of the nicer kept ones she has seen. I’m selling because I bought something a bit more huntery. I will include a cleaning bag (only the bag and a conditioning glove) and 54’ stirrup leathers. A steal for $3200. Message me with offers or questions.