17 Prestige Nona Garson Saddle
17 Prestige Nona Garson Saddle
17 Prestige Nona Garson Saddle
17 Prestige Nona Garson Saddle
17 Prestige Nona Garson Saddle
17 Prestige Nona Garson Saddle

17 Prestige Nona Garson Saddle

Outlet Price$842.84
Seat Size:17"
Tree Size:4.5"
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Condition: Good
Seat Size: 17"
Tree Size: 4.5"
Discipline: Hunter/Jumper
Flap Width: 13.75"
Flap Length: 13.75"
Model: Other
Flap Type: Forward
Leather: Other
Color: Brown

Used 17 Prestige Nona Garson La Selleria Italiana Leather Saddle Seat: 17 Flap width: 13.75 (standard forward flap) Flap length: 13.75 (measured from the leathers strap bar) This is an older saddle with plenty of rides left in it. There is some cracking in the seat and flap which is pretty standard in these saddles. No rips or tears. 24 hour trial to local interests. This saddle had 1 owner.