17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps
17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps
17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps
17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps
17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps
17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps
17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps
17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps

17.5” 2014 CWD SE01 Jump Saddle - 3L Flaps

Outlet Price$1,744.74
Seat Size:17.5"
Tree Size:4.5"
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Condition: Good
Year: 2014
Seat Size: 17.5"
Tree Size: 4.5"
Discipline: Hunter/Jumper
Flap Width: 14"
Flap Length: 14"
Model: SE01
Flap Num.: 3
Flap Type: Straight
Leather: Grain
Color: Brown
Location: Massachusetts

No rips, tears, cracking, or structural damage of any kind. Soft, supple leather.